Open again from Tuesday January the 28th 2020
・Labor Day: Friday 01/05/2020
・Victory in Europe, May 8, 1945 : Friday 08/05/2020
・Ascension Day : Thursday 21/05/20
・National Day : Wednesday 14/07/20
・Assumption : Saturday 15/08/20
・Victory in Europe, November 11, 1918 : Wednesday 11/11/2020
・Sunday Hospice’s Wine Auction : 22/11/20
・Sunday Easter: 12/04/20
・Monday Easter: 13/04/20
・Sunday of Pentecost: 31/05/20
・Monday of Pentecost: 01/06/20
・Mother’s Day (Sunday): 07/06/20
・Father’s Day (Sunday): 21/06/20
・All Soul’s day (Sunday): 01/11/20
Annual Closure December 12th the 2020